Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas all my rescue friends. Santa brought me so many wonderful things this year. Not just this morning - but all year!!! He brought me a new little Chihauhua named Brooklyn that sleeps under my chin every night. He brought us beautiful little puppies to care for. He brought us so many needy souls that we were able to save. Santa brought us over 350 presents this year. And all found special homes. Forever homes. Thank you Santa for such a great Christmas!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday time for Midwest

Midwest Rescue will be getting 6 Chihuahua's for Christmas!!! Yes- all from shelters where owners could not take care of them. All shapes and sizes. We'll take good care of them. We love our little ones. We'll give them all warm fuzzy dog beds for Christmas, we'll get them doggie treats and safe yards to play in an brothers and sisters to snuggle with. We love our little ones!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Lives and Saved Lives

We did it- we now have 4 new little 1 day old puppies in Midwest Small Breed Rescue. All were delivered safe and healthy and momma and puppies are warm and happy. And we also saved 3 more Chihuahua's from a hoarding situation. One big fat girl, one really old girl and one cute shy girl. I am sure we will get the call to save more - and we will. What a happy day in rescue. Lives are being saved and lives are starting!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's raining Chihuahua's again

Another hoarder situation and of course the poor dogs are mostly Chihuahua's. We got the call today to take some. First one came in today - named Toad. Adorable and sweet. Picking up a few more tomorrow. So any of you Chihuahua lovers out there that want to help - send a note my way and there will be a Chihuahua in your house soon to enjoy the Holidays with.

Holiday cheer

Midwest wishing everyone Holidays wishes. But please don't forget about all the homeless dogs this year. It's the toughest time ever for rescues. Dogs are being dumped left and right. We have 4 more dogs needing foster's and we may not have the room. We'll squeeze them in come hell or high water - but remember your rescue friends during this time of cheer. Give $5 to your local shelter, drop off some blankets to them, give a crate to your favorite rescue group. We need all the help we can right now. I love Christmas but I don't love how many dogs don't get to snuggle under a Christmas tree this year.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Jack Russells anyone???

Two getting picked up today from the shelter. Owner is losing home. A rough coat boy and a smooth girl. I just love terriers!!! We'll get them fixed up and ready for their new home soon.

Update on Eddie - he made it through surgery and will be coming home on Saturday. We're all excited to see him. He is now out of pain and ready for his next adventure with a family that will take care of him.

And my pregnant Terrier is ready to go any minute. The babies are kicking and moving and I now get to sleep on the couch in the room with her. My bones aren't young anymore!! Feeling it a little today.

But I'm off to the shelter to pick up my Jacks :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eddie is here

We picked up a Carkie (Cairn Yorkie mix - designer breed thing) from a shelter yesterday that was adopted out by the shelter a few months back. He was returned to the shelter by the adopters with a phantom leg injury. Well - the leg injury was so bad that it destroyed all of his nerves on his front leg and paw and he can not use it now. He just drags the leg. So, of course, we'll fix him. He is undergoing leg amputation to remove all of his pain. He will feel better and be a much happier boy - although he is SOOOO happy and sweet already. So much trauma for a 1 year old dog to endure. Check him out on our website - his name is Eddie and he's a trooper.

Off to save more dogs today - I think I hear another senior dog needing our help...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The cost of a tank of gas driving to the shelter to pick-up a stray, abandoned dog - $35

The cost of transporting a puppymill dog to a safe haven foster home - $25

The cost of heartworm treatment to save a dogs life that was neglected in it's past life - $400

The cost of 10 crates and blankets to pass out to foster homes so their dogs can feel safe and warm - $350

The cost of a letter from an adopter that tells us how their life is now filled with love from adopting a rescued dog - PRICELESS

Saturday, November 28, 2009

New little Lady

We picked up a precious little 11 year old MinPin from a shelter on the western side of the state today. A little thing named Lady!!! Her teeth are horrible, she has tumors all over her body and needs lots of love and attention. We'll get her fixed up - that's what we do. She is so worth it - even getting those smelly kisses is worth it. We love our senior rescues. They seem to thank us in more ways then one. If you've never owned a senior dog, try it - you may like it!! And you may like little Lady too!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Hello again

Yes it's been a little while. Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our thanks is for the 9 beautiful new Chihuahua puppies that were born into rescue the day before Thanksgiving. Momma and little ones are doing great. We found many dogs homes this weekend and are taking a little breather for a few days - then it's back to saving dogs.

Have a great day shopping for those deals - Kmart has a great deal on doggie blankets for $3~!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I've been busy!!!

Yes I know, I have been away for days. Well let me tell you my last few days. Took my own personal dogs on an outing on Sunday to the dog park and had a wonderful time. All were exhausted and tongues hitting the ground when we left. They slept for 2 days!! We have picked up yet ANOTHER pregnant dog. I don't know what is in the stars lately but 5 pregnant dogs in 2 months is a little too much!! Gotta go save dogs....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

More coming - it never stops

How do you say no to a blind Chihuahua, or a little 7 pound jack russell that is terrified at the shelter? I don't know because I can't say no. These little ones need homes and love and care - where are their guardians? Why are dogs so disposable now? Where is the bond that people have with their dogs - their loyal dogs that love them through everythinng - through a divorce, through a job change, through a move.... they still love you. Why can't we love them back unconditionally? I feel like I am the only one loving these stray and abandoned dogs. I am sad today because I can't save them all and I want too.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Good Morning Monday

What a great weekend. We found some great homes for some great dogs. Only a few dogs coming in this week so maybe we'll be able to breath this weekend. We have 2 pregnant Chihauhua's - one to go in about 2 weeks with 6 pupppies and the other in about 6 weeks. And our first set of puppies are now ready to find homes. Through all the work and worryness, those little puppies playing make it all worthwhile. Have a great rescue Monday!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Here we go again - another pregnant dog

This is the third, yes the third, pregnant (or nursing) momma dog we have received in rescue in 2 months. We got the call yesterday to take a 2 year old deaf, partially blind Chihuahua Jack Russell mix female. Before we even knew she was pregnant, she was accepted into Midwest Rescue. SEND US YOUR OLD, FEEBLE, HARD TO ADOPT..... We'll take them and give them everything we can.

So tonight we go up north to pick up the little angel and take her to the vet's immediately to see how many little buggers are in there and if everyone is healthy.... father is supposedly a Chihuahua. Yeah - when they come out HUGE we'll see then. Wish little angel luck in her delivery. We'll keep everyone posted!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What does fostering mean?

Hmmmm... fostering means a lot of things. It means taking a dog (or cat) into your home and taking responsibilty for the care and nuturing of this lonely little thing. It means you'll have accidents in your house, it means you may have to rush to the vet or give your foster fluids when it is sick. It means taking a dog that is more then likely sick and will need time and love to get better. It means taking a foster through thick and thin, through the tough times when you are so freeking tired the end never seems to come.... it means sticking with your foster to see that happy ending one day, yet it may be 6 months from now. Fostering is not easy, if anything it is the hardest thing someone can do. But I applaud my foster homes that have stuck by me through all of this and through over 1,000 + dogs saved. Fosters come and go, but it's the ones that stay that make the difference in a life. Because remember... fostering means saving a life. It could save your life maybe?

Monday, November 2, 2009

What a weekend

Well we pulled it all together and saved 11 dogs this weekend.

But poor little Cooper has a broken leg so he's getting it fixed today and will be back with me on Wednesday. Poor guy will need therapy and lots of rest time. We'll fix what we have too!! Thank goodness he came to us.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mission Accomplished

We got them all - All the pups have been fed and loved and gone off to their new foster homes for some lovin. And what an amazing little group of rescued pups. Some great little guys and girls that will make super little buddies. I have little poncho here and what a character!!! All 5 pounds of him. Tommorrow is Cooper's vet visit - let's hope his leg is ok ....

Another Rescue Day

Off to Toledo to pick up the second set of dogs in need this morning. Picked up 5 yesterday - 2 were adopted from the shelter so we rescued 2 Pom's, a Rat Terrier, an adorable Terrier thing and a Manchester Shibi mix. All fantastic dogs. Some young, some old, but all will be loved. The Shibi mix is my favorite right now - he's got tons of personality and don't tell anyone, but I let him sleep in bed with me last night. Shhhh....... more to come later

Friday, October 30, 2009

It's early and Friday

This morning is flying by.... must feed my pack then get everything together to pick up the first set of pups today. The Rate Terrier, Non-shedding thing, a Chi and 2 Poms. Gotta remember vetting info when I pick them up, leashes, collars, enough crates, bedding, gotta gas the car, grab a breakfast bar and throw it in my purse, and head out to Lansing. Can't wait to see all the precious faces we're saving today. Ooops-almost forgot - gotta grab some nice chewy bones so the pups feel like home now.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Getting ready to receive an abudency of Chihuahua's!

All dogs (11 I think) confirmed to come to rescue this weekend. I'm on the road for the next 2 days picking them up, distributing to foster homes, going to the vets, all in a days work. Can't wait to see my tiny Pomeranian senior girl. About 10 years old and found running in a field on the west side of the state. She needs some Midwest love and she'll be fine.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What a great day in rescue

Midwest Small Breed Rescue pulled their 150th dog today from Macomb County Animal Control. That means 150 lives saved from only 1 shelter. YES - 1 rescue can make a difference!!1
Good morning rescue friends - it's early and all the pups are ready for breakfast. But I must check email to see who needs what first. I think I have the 10 dogs covered that are coming in this weekend. I have to move a couple around, but I may be OK. We found rescue for 7 Chihuahua's, a Pomeranian, a ShihTzu, and a Rat Terrier. Still working on transport from Grand Rapids and Fort Wayne - my weekend is shot. Is it Friday yet???

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wecome to Midwest Small Breed Rescue's Blog page. Everyday there is something new to do or save - so I thought those not familiar with rescue may want to read what we do every day and how we save the dogs we do. They pick us - we dont pick them. All in a day's rescue as we always say.

Oct 27
Today we were asked to take 4 dogs, a Pomeranian, a senior Rat Terrier, a ShihTzu mix and a Chihuhua from a shelter on the other side of the state. They asked us because we don't care what ages, sexes, etc the dogs are. Midwest takes ANY dog in need. Now I have to work on transport from Grand Rapids. Do I drive all the way there.... will someone help me tranport...... I'll have to work on it today....

4 more dogs need help from Fort Wayne. Of course we will squeeze them in - they are small right??? And I jsut picked up a special needs Chihuahua named Trio from Macomb County. What a doll - he only has 3 legs but boy can he move. Who could let this little angel go??